You morph your body based on your training, choosing one of the following effects based on your wild order feats. You might even choose to experiment with individual feats and retrain them if they don't prove useful or if you get a better feat which makes a previous feat obsolete or redundant. On the ground and in the water, the Purple Worm and the Sea Serpent easily outdo existing Form of the Dragon options. Tragically, Nature Incarnate doesn't offer any flying forms, so the Phoernix remains your best flying option. Document Info Druid "Wild Shape" Beast List 5th Edition D&D This is a stats list I made for the beasts a Druid can turn into for their "Wild Shape" ability. Even if someone puts armor on you after you change forms, as-written you don't benefit from your armor's item bonus to AC. Pest Form is a useful form for scouting and for hiding in plain sight, but it's not useful in combat. When you choose to use your own attack modifier while polymorphed instead of the form's default attack modifier, you gain a +2 status bonus to your attack rolls. When you transform into a form granted by a spell, you gain all the effects of the form you chose from a version of the spell heightened to wild shape's level. Dinosaur Form also gives you similar temporary HP and AC, so it's still usable despite a relatively low attack bonus. Unless you're facing a lot of enemies which deal poison damage, I can't think of a good reason to use this when Dinosaur Form can do most of the same things with higher damage output. While this sounds neat, I find it incredibly frustrating because it makes it difficult to compare options on the fly. At this spell level Pest Form is the only option available to you. However, they get no feats or abilities to supplement their Strikes. Besides you can enter you character level, and basic stats in order to see a complete list of habilities that the druid has as a monster. Red: Bad, useless options, or options which are extremely situational. The Pathfinder Society Roleplaying Guild, part of Paizo's organized play programs, is a worldwide fantasy roleplaying campaign that puts you in the role of an agent of the Pathfinder Society. Random generators for tabletop roleplaying games. The flat damage bonus is only +5 (4 points lower than 4th-level Animal Form's +9), so you're giving up size, reach, and some damage in exchange for Aerial Form's flight. Wild shape allows you to use your own shapeshifting training more easily than most polymorph spells. Both options give you the same size, senses, AC, attack and damage bonuses, and the same Athletics bonus. Dinosaur Form will be much more powerful in combat, and while Aerial Form can't compete with the Air Elemental's speed, I doubt that you're going to spend a class feat to get a slightly faster form for overland travel. You can add more forms to your wild shape list with druid feats; your feat might grant you some or all of the forms from a given polymorph spell. Blue: Fantastic options, often essential to the function of your character. ... “RP” and “encounters” instead of running everything together (roleplaying all the time). somatic, verbal. RAW it appears to be allowed and it doesn't seem to have any drawback, but I think that's an overlooked abuse case. You only want to take feats for forms which you intend to use frequently in combat, or feats which provide some other benefit. Anything you're wearing or carrying is absorbed, so no one is going to run off with your bag of holding while you're temporarily a bear. You gain all of the effects from the spell which provides a specific form. The forms are all identical, so there's not much to consider here. This spell functions as elemental body I, except that it also allows you to assume the form of a Medium air elemental, Medium earth elemental, Medium fire elemental, or Medium water elemental. This is, without question, simultaneously the most versatile, useful, and powerful form available to you at this level. You can turn into "a dog" or "a dwarf", but you can't turn into "Joe's dog Fido" and you can't turn into "Joe the dwarf". Constitution is absolutely irreplaceable. Druids have long list of feat options which add additional forms to Wild Shape. 1 or more... Sewer Ooze At... An overgrown stream with a small bridge They... are waiting in ambush or hiding from something From level 1 it immediately offers access to a complex shapeshifting mechanic, allowing you to adopt a new form to suit nearly any situation. If your next action is to cast wild shape, wild shape’s spell level is 2 lower than normal (minimum 1st level), but you can remain transformed for up to 1 hour or the listed duration (whichever is … This includes options like Handwraps of Mighty Blows (though they still apply if you use your own attack bonus if you're using Wild Shape. If you have Plant Form you can also turn into a Green Man. In addition, dragon forms vary in land speed and frequently have a special ability like a movement type. 1,000gp is a lot for what you get. Let's look at those options and what makes them so effective. Prerequisite (s) Strength 14, Wild Shape. You can polymorph into any form listed in pest form, which lasts 10 minutes. Animal Form's flat damage bonus is two points higher, but going from two damage dice to four damage dice is a considerably larger bonus. Plant Form's attacks only deal two damage dice, and despite the relatively high fkat damage bonus Dinosaur Form will still deal more damage (2d8+11, avg. Nerds on Earth. This duration doesn’t need to be consecutive, but it must be spent in 1-minute increments. Orange: OK options, or useful options that only apply in rare circumstances 3. Instead, use the Bat. The Kaiju is the only gauranteed option, but it's the biggest, baddest melee monster you could ever hope to be. In addition you can specify your AC bonuses that will allow you to have the monster AC … Wild shape allows you to use your own shapeshifting training more easily than most polymorph spells. Heightened (2nd) You can also wild shape into the forms listed in animal form. When creating a druid character, I looked for a nice way to keep track of all the … Elemental Body II. 5th-level spells is the highest level for Animal Form and Insect Form, and the first level for Elemental Form and Plant Form. Dragon Form is powerful and exciting, immediately catapulting to the top of your options. For example: Animal Shape provides improved temporary hit points, statistics, and size as the spell level increases all the way to 5th level spells. Unlike in the tabletop game, druids can get the benefits of their equipment while wild shaped. This level introduces Monstrosity form, and while the options are limited they're all pretty good. Much like 5th spell level, your spell options change dramatically at this level. Very few Wild Shape forms allow you to speak, and very few have hands. School transmutation (polymorph); Level alchemist 5, magus 5, sorcerer/wizard 5; Subdomain rivers 5; Elemental School air 5, earth 5, fire 5, water 5. Elemental Form is disappointing. However, it's still wise to be proficient in both skills in the event that you adopt a form which doesn't provide a bonus to one or the other. You get resistance to poison damage, and the numbers are slightly offer from other Wild Shape spells at the same level. Strength is optional (at least for druids). For abilities that function based on uses of wild shape, each minute of wild shape counts as a use. This time: The Druid! Druid Manipulate Metamagic. Perhaps the easiest comparison is between the Canine and the Stegosaurus: the only difference is that the Canine has 10 ft. better speed. Many feats still function while you're using Wild Shape. These claws are an unarmed attack you're trained in and deal 1d6 slashing damage each (agile, finesse). While its text amounts to two paragraphs, it's extremely dense text. The best place on Earth for nerds. When you choose to use your own attack modifier while polymorphed instead of the form's default attack modifier, you gain … When you transform into a form granted by a spell, you gain all the effects of the form you chose from a version of the spell heightened to wild shape's level. Every form has a bite attack, an Agile claw attack, a tail attack with improved reach, and a breath weapon. If you have Wild Shape, you can morph your hands into wild claws. Your hands transform into incredibly sharp claws. I will use the color coding scheme which has become common among Pathfinder build handbooks. Aerial Form and Dinosaur Form both become available at the same time, and as much fun as it is to turn into a dinosaur, the upcast Animal Form options have startlingly similar stats to the forms offer by Dinosaur Form. It's medium sized with a good ranged attack, so it's a fine option for just walking around among normal humanoids, but you can't speak or cast spells so you'll probably do better if you revert to your humanoid form. You can very slightly exceed the attack bonus provided by Wild Shape's various forms by maximizing Strength and investing a ton of gold in Handwraps of Mighty Fists, but you'll only exceed the provided attack bonuses by something like +2 at level 20, so I don't think it's worth the effort when you could invest those precious resources elsewhere. When taking the form of an elemental, the druid’s wild shape now functions as elemental body IV. 1. Paizo went to great lengths to try to make different dragon forms distinct, which resulted in forms using a dizzying variety of damage dice combinations. However, the mechanics of Wild Shape (and the spells which it replicates) are complicated. Because you can't get the higher-level Wild Shape feats, your own attack bonus will exceed the highest bonuses you can get from Wild Shape forms. Even in cases where you have both, you still need to return to your humanoid form in order to cast spells. In general, feats which add forms to Wild Shape will replicate the effects of a specific spell such as Humanoid Form or Aerial Form. Even after reading (or writing) the above information, it's difficult to parse exactly which forms are most effective at any given spell level. However, you lose the ability to change energy damage types by changing types of dragons, so Dragon Form is still useful when fire damage isn't. These three macros are intended to simplify the lives of any Druids who need to Wild Shape, or any casters using the plethora of Form Spells available. Dinosaur form sees its final improvement, and since Dragon Form doesn't improve Dinosaur form takes a significant lead in size, reach, and damage output compared to Dragon form. WildShape Druid Tool. Natural spell allows her to cast spells while wild shaped. You don't get the ability to fly until 4th-level spells (character level 7), but you can still do a lot by turning into common animals like rats. Descriptive text, but not actual mechanics here. But as was pointed out, a lot of the things wild shape is good for in PnP aren't in the computer game. For other forms, you only get 1 minute per casting of Wild Shape. This is a fixed attack bonus that replaces your own Unarmed Attack attack bonus unless you choose to use your own attack bonus. At this level we lose every previous option except Dragon Form, and Dragon Form gets its final (and only) improvement, increasing your size and reach and providing some modest numerical increases that bring it back on par with Dinosaur Form's attack damage, though Dinosaur Form still gives you better size and reach. Fans of the vastly different direction that D&D 4e took prefer the more simple and video game style of play.Pathfinder is a min maxer's dream.. Related: 5 Ways Pathfinder 2e Is Better Than … Other effects don't share the exception to this general rule.) Even if you don't take feats to add additional forms to Wild Shape, you still get to use forms from Animal Form. Cast: Unless you plan to take the Form Control feats, you can dump Strength. which would otherwise seem like obviously good options, as well items like armor. Despite the introduction of Elemental Form, Aerial Form remains the leader in flying options, but because it doesn't double its damage dice until 6th level, so you really want to keep fights on the ground if you can. Finally, you get a breath weapon which allows you to easily handle groups of foes. You add one die of damage and some other numeric increases, but nothing funamentally changes from level 8. If you choose to take Insect Form, add Scorpion to your lift of go-to options. All other wild shape forms last 1 minute. 5. Pest Form gets an extended duration specifically because it's not useful in combat. You infuse yourself with primal essence and transform yourself into another form. If you're in a fight which runs longer than 1 minute you'll need to either re-cast Wild Shape or resort to other options like casting spells. Heightened (2nd) You can also wild shape … 2nd-level spells brings Animal Form for free, which by default makes it your best combat option. An extra focus point per day which you can use in a pinch is nice if you're built around Wild Shape, but the time you can afford this you should have plenty of options to rely upon if you run out of Focus Points. … It's unclear what happens in odd situations like if you have a mouse in your pocket. Form Control Feat 4.