There are several +5 versions, a +4 that is amazing and almost impossible to miss, and a host of others throughout the game. Head west across the river to enter Pitax. The latter is a bard who will use both bardsong and spells to hinder you and buff his allies, including such fare as Haste, Good Hope, Hold Person and Hideous Laughter. Cloak of Sold Souls Artifact Location & Bonuses-4 constitution, +2 caster level for necromancy and summoning subtyped spells, +2 DC for necromancy spells, cast Vampiric Touch 3/day (caster level = character level), to unequip you must cast Remove Curse and pass a DC 25 check. Sadly, you may be downright appalled by the paucity of quality loot in the chests, with very little of any real value to find. This bit of cloth will give its wearer a +10 bonus to Perception and the Uncanny Dodge feat, but a -4 penalty to Saving Throws vs. gaze attacks and blindness. ... Continue browsing in r/Pathfinder_Kingmaker. If it works, subsequent enchantments are all but guaranteed to devastate Gaetane to the point where it becomes feasible to keep him constantly out of the fight with hold spells. Fortunately his damage isn’t great… unless he manages to sneak attack anybody, which is great incentive to focus on his goons. Ignore it for now and instead head up the northwestern-most of the two staircases to the northeast and continue northeast until you find a door. All the rooms to the southwest can be explored, their treasures loot and their inhabitants killed without arousing Alasen and his fellows, as well as one of the rooms to the southeast. I've heard that you can avoid fighting Nyrd Zottenropple if during Jubilost's last quest, instead of gifting the gift to Xae, you gift it to a random gnome that needs it. Help . Irovetti fittingly drops treasures… well, fit for a king. They should take little in the way of special tactics to defeat, just ensure you’re spellbuffed and that you exploit their poor Saving Throws with debilitating spells. If you’re finding the above strategy insufficient, you can also try targeting Avinash exclusively after he’s debilitated with Chains of Light. Both effects are pretty valuable, either limiting them to one attack per round (even the humble Ray of Frost suffices!) Fortunately, Gedovius’s Will Save is mediocre, and while it’s high enough that he’ll break free from Chains of Light sooner rather than later, Insanity has a very good chance of affecting him. Alternately, take the blame and nothing will happen to you or Eimar, though the magistrate will get off scot-free. One drops in Pitax Royal Palace from Avinash Jurrg, Unstoppable Khanda, a Bastard Sword +4 with the When you approach (which you should do with only one character, leaving the rest of your party somewhat behind) he’ll strike up a conversation where you can ask about Tartuccio’s mission and make a moral choice. In the back rooms (including the hidden room in the location with the wyverns), you can find Unbound Blade and Ring of Blur. The Pathfinder: Kingmaker guide includes a full walkthrough of the game’s main campaign, including various side quests, companion quests and strategies. A pittance considering the work involved in destroying them. Partway through this act, Linzi and the Storyteller will approach you in your throne room with plans to thwart the nymph Nyrissa. Once they subside, loot the room to acquire Belt of Perfect Components, as well as the rooms behind this one for Robe of Eyes and Arbiter's Robe. Avinash Jurrg was weaker than intended. Ignore the latter for now, and explore the former two doors to the northwest. To that end, if you head through the doors to the depressed area occupied by the trolls you can find an area transition leading down to “the Torturer’s Chamber”. Given the varied strengths of your opponents, there doesn’t seem to be any safe, fool-proof way, and some luck is going to be involved no matter what you do. She's difficult to hit which will make the fight take a long time, but be patient and ride out her mass damage with mass healing, and target her with Quarry, Dazzing Display, and things that inflict nausea and paralysis. Alasen’s Attack Bonus is decent enough to hit your tanks once in a while, but no more so than the trolls you’ve been fighting in this area. Inside the tavern, intimidate the smuggler. Unfortunately when it comes to Gaetane himself he’s got few glaring weaknesses. Baleful Polymorph, Swarm of Doom, and Sirroco can be very useful as well. Verdel can be found in the center of the main square and will say the thief left the scene via a portal. Righty-o. In fact, should you form a defensive line before provoking them, be properly spellbuffed, and hit them with some debuffs, this should be a hectic - but easy - fight. Once he falls, you can beat a hasty retreat out of the chamber and bottleneck the trolls at the doorway where they can be cut down one at a time. Speaking of which, if you triggered the magical traps elsewhere in this area (near the Golden Golems and in the treasure room near the Zottenropple brothers) you’ll have provoked some of the potential foes here. With that out of the way, turn your attention to a door to the southeast. On the other hand, four Golden Golems was already a tall order, but six is best left to the suicidal. If you activated the alarm in the room near the Zottenropple brothers you would have been attacked by some Troll Guard Berserkers, Pitax Wardens and a Pitax Herald, who otherwise will still be lurking in this hallway. When the drunk bully approaches you, pass one of the skill checks to avoid trouble and earn 1320 XP. To deal with the bandits, head almost directly north of Pitax, and slightly west of The Menagerie, looking out for River Blades' Camp. Tous droits réservés. A +20 Stealth skill should suffice, which sounds high, but considering you can bolster this with Greater Invisibility (+20), it should actually be pretty easy. The lute is an item you need to solve a puzzle in the northwestern wing of the palace - the last such item you need, in fact - while the Charoite Wyvern summons an ancient wyvern whose power (Hit Dice) scale with the summoner’s. Irovetti is joined by two Pitax Warden and two Troll Guard Veterans, none of which are anything more than meat shields, there to distract you from Irovetti and take advantage of his spells. Head up the hallway to the northeast first, keeping an eye out for a ghost as you go. The Vulgar Statue is another item you’ll need for a puzzle later on, so be sure not to lose or sell it. Next, speak to Nunzio in the center of the map to begin the tournament. Pathfinder: Kingmaker Walkthrough and Guide, Nyrd will show up at the end to save Jubilost instead of Xae, walkthrough/War_of_the_River_Kings#War of the River Kings. Pathfinder Kingmaker . Once the quest has progressed and a note has been added to your log, travel the world map (far northwest should work, if nothing else) until you encounter Goblin Merchant. To deal with the propagandists, enter the main square of your capital and check out the pamphlets scattered around just outside the throne room. Servants stand about apparently unconcerned by the violence, but other than that all you’ll find here is a chest on a table you can loot and some stairs leading down to “the Storage” level of the palace. The fight the Pitaxian elite took part in was a trifling affair compared to the power Irovetti has at the ready in his palace. Your warriors should, in the meanwhile, engage and distract the golems, or which ever one of the gnomes you plan to target with Destruction. It’s a worthy trade-off for any high-Perception character who otherwise doesn’t need to wear armor. and when you’re good to go again set about looting the room the Zottenropples occupied. In nearly all of the surrounding rooms are lycanthropes - either Wererats or Weretigers, all of which are led by a specimen named Alasen in the room to the north. It may prove very difficult for your kingdom to survive this chapter. Alternately, take out Renshala and her men to acquire Riversong Amulet (avoid this for the "best" ending). No, seriously, with Seamantle she’s got an Armor Class of well over 50, which is just a joke nobody’s laughing along with anymore. Fittingly, the room they guard isn’t full of riches, either. Four Pitax Wardens with no spell support of any kind should be child’s play by now, so eradicate them, then loot the chest and two bookshelves in the room for a Token of the Dryad as well as other treasures. From here you can continue northwest to find some stairs, atop which waits a trap [Perception 32] [Trickery 32]. Subscribe to receive the latest news about the game and get a gift – a digital artbook from Pathfinder: Kingmaker for free! Charred Screwdriver with the Technic League’s Brand: Dappled Quagmire: In a sunken chest in the center. To undermine this point, the first fight in this area isn’t quite representative of what the palace ultimate has in store for you. If you can’t pick the lock on Avinash Jurrg, don’t fret - he’ll show up later on in the palace, in the trap and enemy-lined hall connecting the antechamber to Irovetti’s throne room. Basement King's Chambers Pitax Royal Palace is a dungeon in Pitax (City) in Pathfinder: Kingmaker. High enough to hit, but not high enough to be a serious threat to your tanks. With that, the first level of the Pitax Royal Palace has been explored, save for the approach to Irovetti… and for the lower levels. Most of the cells lining this hallways are vacant, but in a cell to the northwest along the southeastern end of the hall contains Hannis Drelev. Once the project completes, speak to the Storyteller to enter the dream world (Dreamscape). Subscribe. In addition to all that goodness, it has the “Unholy” property, dealing +2d6 damage against good opponents. Creepy. Send in buffed up tanks to absorb their initial onslaughts, or better yet, since you know they’re hiding in the backs of these rooms, surprise them with a magical assault. Once he’s subdued, focus on cutting down his allies, and if he breaks free, hit him with another bout of Chains of Light. Cold damage will, on the other hand, slow them (as per the spell) for several rounds. Two Golden Golems, Troll Guard Berserkers, Avinash Jurrg and around a half-dozen Pitax Wardens and Pitax Heralds is not a trivial amount of opposition, and your life will be much easier if you don’t have to fight them all here. Inside the Kingdom Management interface, select the A Way Into Nyrissa's Dream project and begin it. Avinash Jurrg is an Ogre that’s as adept at magic as he is at melee, although he primarily uses the former to buff himself with illusion spells before wading into combat. If you raise too much of a commotion, the entire area will be alerted, and while none of the enemies are terribly powerful (Alasen excluded), there are quite a number of them. I don't know how to get 5 pieces of evidence (is there really a 5th one?) Toggle navigation. In addition he’ll yield a suit of Full Plate +4, a Belt of Giant Strength +4, a Headband of Vast Intelligence +2, an Amulet of Natural Armor +3 and a Ring of Protection +3. While the short wall dividing the first (unoccupied) room from the room Gaetane occupies is a fine spot for a defensive line, if the battle is proving to be a bit much for you, you may want to approach with only one character while the rest of your party waits in the hallway to the southwest. General's Bedroom Key Unstoppable Khanda Full Plate +4 Belt of Giant Strength +4 Headband of Vast Intelligence +2 Amulet of Natural Armor +3 Ring of Protection +3 Wipe the area of bards, then take the north exit into the tavern and wipe some more (trying to convince them to fight for you won't work, but will earn you an extra 1440 XP for passing the Diplomacy check). You may have driven Irovetti off the streets of his own capital and killed or converted his most prominent citizens (supporters may be a bit of stretch), but now is no time to celebrate. The longer this process takes, the lower your odds of victory will be. Having kicked the hornet’s nest your position will be assaulted by a number of foes, including three trolls (a Troll Guard Berserker and two Troll Guard Veterans) who will come through the central door and two groups of Pitax Wardens (both ranged and melee) and a Pitax Herald will descend down each staircase. The Golden Golems, sadly, will drop only semi-precious gems. The trolls that accompany him are largely there just to buy him the time to do this, and when fully spell-buffed he’s much more dangerous. If you actually end up fighting any enemies in the pit occupied by the trolls, a gargoyle named Gedovius will surface from “the Torturer’s Chamber” accompanied by four Ferocious Smilodons“. I found The Menagerie simply by scouting it, so the kingdom project isn't necessary. Make your way back to the hallway yet again and venture up it to the northeast until you reach a chamber occupied by some Pitax Wardens. To the north, down the main hall you'll find Irovetti hanging out with some trolls. Since Gedovius’s Armor Class is basically unhittable unless you’re making critical threat range attack rolls, another strategy is in order. Failing that, you can wade into the room with your most well-protected tank and try to weather the onslaught. After the gnomes are defeated, assuming you’re in any condition to continue fighting, retreat through the doorway to the southwest so you can bottleneck the golems and fight them one at a time. In addition to this there are a few spells you can use to manipulate the Golden Golems. If you’ve been keeping up with Linzi’s quest A Bard’s Calling that’ll update now, with Eobald the Insightful drawing your attention to a riot at the Academy, which you should resolve before you leave. The Pathfinder: Kingmaker guide includes a full walkthrough of the game’s main campaign, including various side quests, companion quests and strategies. Found toghether with Flaming Kukri +2 behind the hidden (use the interactive candle holder (Perception 30 to notice) on the wall to open) door in the room with Avinash Jurrg in Pitax Royal Palace. If that’s not enough plunder for you, good news! Defeat this batch of foes, then feel free to loot the room - the armory by the look of things - you fought to occupy. Once you’ve dealt enough damage to defeat Irovetti, a cutscene will play where he’ll summon Engelidis, a naga whose first course of action is to heal (as per the spell) Irovetti. Engelidis will also drop a Headband of Alluring Charisma +6 and a Charm of Deep Waters, an amulet which gives its wearer a +6 bonus to Constitution and a +5 bonus to Armor Class. Left to his own devices, Avinash Jurrg will spend several rounds spellbuffing, starting with Displacement, Vampiric Shadow Shield and finally Mirror Image, after which he’ll cast Hellfire Ray twice before finally wading into combat. Pitax Royal Palace: In the study behind Avinash Jurrg’s room, opened by the wall sconce. With all that out of the way, what’s the best way to handle this fight? Once done investigate the statue of Irovetti, passing a [Knowledge (Arcane) 34] check to reveal the apparently-ostentatious statue for the illusion-covered lie that it is. Unfortunately, even that’s not enough for these wretched constructs, as when they are dismantled you’ll still have to survive their death throes. Throughout the palace are several separate rooms, in which you can find unique gear: On the right side of the map you'll face off against Vyar and Luar Zottenropple. Alternately, just wander around the map until you get the correct random encounter with the goblin and complete it that way. One of the most difficult - but lucrative - fights in this palace can be found beyond the door to the northwest, and since you’re presumably in good form you might want to attempt it sooner rather than later. Alasen’s Saving Throw are, putting it generously, garbage, and any competent caster should be able to easily remove them from the fight with a pre-emptive casting of Baleful Polymorph or Insanity. Even spellbuffed and flanked your warriors may struggle to hit him regularly, and his Fortitude and Reflex Saves are both high enough to make spell assaults mostly nonviable. The room beyond may look empty enough, but don’t be fooled - within are several Wererats, currently hiding in ambush. By comparison, the Piece of Skymetal in the center of the three southeastern rooms is a mere bauble… but one that might as well belong to you, as well. One of the north rooms can trigger a bug whereupon the game freezes temporarily, then combat begins with the enemies in a room you can't get to by conventional means. Start the fight, then retreat back to the rest of your party and bottleneck your foes at the door. When you arrive in this area you’ll (hopefully) immediately spot two traps [Perception 36] [Trickery 36], one to the southwest and another near a bed. Of all the three entrances to the lower levels of the palace, the entrance to “the Storage” area is by far the best. He’ll repeat this routine twice before finally casting Good Hope and wading into melee, where he’ll prove to be a mediocre opponent, at best. If you want to kill them for the fun of it, however, that’s your prerogative. Next, speak to Eimar to progress The River's Justice, then Atalia. Instead of provoking them by running past the second group, just take a pot-shot at one and flee (or better yet, cast Obsidian flow on them!). A variety of other issues plague your kingdom as well. Make your way through them with fire and/or poison spells if possible and grab Thundercrack and Steelwind weapons from the northeast portion of the map. Failing that, accept Annamede Belavarah's help instead (she can be found just behind you after speaking to Atalia). The lycanthrope also boasts a high - but not Gaetane-like - Armor Class, which is mitigated somewhat by its poor Hit Points. Descend the stairs to the southeast and note two staircases to the northeast, between which are some large doors. In the southernmost room to the northwest you’ll find two chests and a bookshelf you can loot, with the best treasure being a Piece of Skymetal. On the way, if you haven't completed Runaway Throne yet, you should run into Goblin Merchant on the way, allowing you to complete it. After the fight, immediately exit the area to escape the party wiping effects. More than that, however, a sinister, primordial force has her own interests in the Stolen Lands, and a desire to see new rulers rise… and fall. Disarm the trap to remove it from your list of concerns, then open the door to the northwest. In this second room you can find Maya’s Charm in a crate under a table, a trinket which gives its wearer a +2 bonus to save DCs on spells from the Enchantment and Illusion schools at the cost of a -2 Strength penalty. First, there’s a trap [Perception 32] [Trickery 32] just beyond the door, and Avinash is lurking a bit inside the chamber, which can make targeting him somewhat tricky. To such rare, fortunate characters it’ll bestow a +3 dodge bonus to Armor Class and a +3 bonus to unarmed attack and damage. One drops in Pitax Royal Palace from Avinash Jurrg, Unstoppable Khanda, a Bastard Sword â ¦ Dropped from ? Teaching them some manners is optional, as there’s not much worth looting in the room. Should you emerge victorious you can loot each Zottenropple for a Belt of Might Constitution +4, a Headband of Vast Intelligence +4, an Amulet of Natural Armor +3, a Ring of Protection +3 and a Cloak of Resistance +4. Worse still, they’ve got two Golden Golems nearby ready to assist them in melee combat. Agree to it to trigger The River's Justice. Such a being can be found in the chamber to the southeast, which is occupied by Gedovius. Front Page; Adventure Log; Wiki; Characters; Items; Maps; High Council and Declarations of War. To this end you can use spells like Phantasmal Web or Confusion to debilitate them, after which area-of-effect spells and your warriors should be able to cut through them well enough. Chains of Light may be a viable strategy, but there are some complications. While none of their saves are high enough to preclude casting certain spells, their Will Saves are, overall, the weakest, and most worthy of targeting. Numerous enemies await you to the northeast, so form your party up at the base of the stairs to the northwest, spellbuff significantly, then send a lone, speedy character to the second (southeastern-most) staircase. You should now possess the following items: the Cup of the Victor, the Vulgar Statuette and the Silver-Stringed Lute, the three items you’ll need to solve a puzzle in the northwestern end of the palace. 1 Description 2 Notes 3 Golden Golem Puzzle 4 NPCs 5 Creatures to the Northwest (Left) From the Entrance 6 Creatures to the Southeast (Right) From the Entrance 7 Creatures to the Northeast (Forward) From the Entrance 8 Creatures in the Throne Room 9 Creatures in the Level Below 10 Loot … Once the hall is cleared, make sure you’re fully rested and you’ve got spells prepared, then down the hall to the northeast. Keep in mind you can access these merchants later, so don't feel pressured to buy any particular thing from them immediately. This will allow the enemy casters to stand back and work their magic and give Gaetane all the time he needs to buff himself up, but it’ll also hopefully keep you from facing more than one or two enemies at once in melee. Fortunately you’ll see a spell effect every time you correctly place an item. After ascending these stairs, turn northwest to spot two pairs of Golden Golems standing guard along the walls ahead. Why not join us today? A subreddit for all things involving Pathfinder CRPG series made by Owlcat Games. Even a Pyrrhic victory is acceptable here - so long as you can slink away, rest and recover in a reasonable time frame. Defeat these lycanthropes however you find most convenient, then loot Alasen for a suit of Studded Leather +3, a Belt of Giant Strength +4, an Amulet of Natural Armor +2 and a Ring of Protection +3. At the end of this tunnel await the aforementioned host of Wererats, Pitax Wardens and Pitax Heralds. Backtrack to the fork just northeast of the room where you slew Gaetane and head down the previously-neglected southeastern hallway and through some doors to reach the palace kitchen. There’s no great treasure waiting you after this fight, you merely needed to dispose of these opponents to advance further to the northeast. Let these trolls (for in total) feed themselves into the meat grinder your warriors have prepared for them, a task your casters can aid with the use of area-of-effect direct damaging spells like Fireball and Firestorm. Everyone will now state their allegiance one way or the other, then the battle will commence (it won't be tough, particularly with Chain Lightning), the spoils of which may include Deadly Grace and Lightning Duelist. When that’s done, talk to the Golden Golem in the room and it’ll ask you several questions, the answers to which are as follows: Question: “What is my name?”Answer: “Mandalarucio.”, Question: “What is my surname?”Answer: “Bellander.”, Question: “Where am I from?”Answer: “Hajoth Hakados.”. Triggering this alarm will not just open the way to Irovetti, but it’ll cause Avinash Jurrg to relocate into the hallway between the antechamber and the throne room… if he’s still alive, of course. Afterward, loot Gilded Key, Ring of Protection +5, Cloak of Resistance +5, Amulet of Natural Armor +5, Headband of Mental Perfection +6, Belt of Physical Perfection +6, Charm of the Deep Waters, Singing Steel Breastplate, and Headband of Alluring Charisma +6.