It aims to implement the ecosocialist programme L'Avenir en commun (English: "A Shared Future"). Non ricordi più come accedere all'account? Istruzione. [24], The programme L'Avenir en commun (English: "A Shared Future") was adopted during the Lille convention, attended by just under 1,000 people in Saint-André-lez-Lille on 15/16 October 2016. [55], On 10 March, 27 environmentalists, including MP Sergio Coronado, activists, local officials, candidates for the June legislative elections, and members of the EELV Federal Council, announced that they would not support Benoît Hamon in the first round of the presidential election, but La France Insoumise instead. Faites ce que vous trouverez de plus utile et convaincant pour élargir le nombre de celles et ceux qui peuvent nous rejoindre et nous aider. Jeunes Grenoble. Agir, ufficialmente Agire, la Destra Costruttiva (in francese: Agir, la droite constructive) è un partito politico francese fondato il 16 novembre 2017 in seguito ad una scissione da I Repubblicani.. Conta 9 deputati all'Assemblea Nazionale, tutti appartenenti al gruppo parlamentare dell'Unione dei Democratici e degli Indipendenti; agli otto provenienti dalle file … Adresse e-mail. At the end of the Lille Convention, a synthesis of all the proposals resulted in a program of 7 axioms and 357 measures. The party uses the lower case Greek letter phi as its logotype. [37] Thematic booklets, deepening the proposals of the movement, have been published as the campaign progressed. Its first meeting took place in Place Stalingrad, Paris on 5 June 2016 in the form of a march numbering about 10,000 people, according to the organisers. Da giugno 2018 il partito è tra i promotori dell'alleanza europea Ora il Popolo. [53], In December 2016, the Social Ecology Co-operative, whose members include political figures from Europe Ecology – The Greens (EELV), such as EELV federal councillor Francine Bavay, and Sergio Coronado, member of the National Assembly for French residents overseas, called for the endorsement of Mélenchon's candidacy. [21] The movement is particularly inspired by the Spanish party Podemos and the candidacy of Bernie Sanders in the Democratic Party presidential primaries of 2016 in the United States. Elle a pour objectif de participer à la diffusion des idées qui fondent le mouvement dans un esprit d’utilité publique et de faire perdurer ses principes au-delà de l’actualité immédiate. En cette période de confinement, les groupes d’action de La France insoumise réfléchissent à de nouvelles idées d’action. In the 2017 legislative elections, la France Insoumise (FI), the movement founded by Jean-Luc Mélenchon prior to the presidential election, failed to secure an alliance with the French Communist Party (PCF) permitting common investitures between the two movements. On 28 November, following the establishment of the political party Agir by LR members, the group was renamed to the UDI, Agir and Independents group (groupe UDI, Agir et indépendants), with Jean-Christophe Lagarde replacing Demilly as part of the rotating co-presidency of the group. Les États-Unis ont frappé des éléments iraniens sur le sol syrien. Several of its executives are organizing the campaign. In November 2016, Ensemble!, the third component of the Left Front coalition, also announced its support for the movement as 72% of its activists had voted in favour. Se rendre utile tout de suite et agir de manière innovante sans attendre les consignes ont toujours été des marques de fabrique de notre mouvement. However, several political parties, branches or individuals announced their support for the movement once its programme had been agreed and its candidate chosen, including the Left Party,[46] the Socialistes insoumis[47] Ensemble!,[48] the French Communist Party, the Pole of Communist Revival in France and some elected officials and leaders of the Europe Ecology – The Greens (EELV). Agir (French for Act), officially named Agir, la droite constructive (Act, the Constructive Right), is a political party in France, established on 26 November 2017. rice. La France insoumise (pronounced [la fʁɑ̃s ɛ̃sumiz]; variously translated as "Unbowed France", "Unsubmissive France", or "Rebellious France") is a democratic socialist, left-wing populist political party in France,[19] launched on 10 February 2016 by Jean-Luc Mélenchon, then Member of the European Parliament and former co-president of the Left Party (PG). soutient Jean-Luc Mélenchon sans intégrer La France insoumise", "Frais de campagne : Mélenchon et le PCF n'ont pas encore trouvé d'accord", "Pourquoi La France insoumise fait l'impasse sur les sénatoriales",, Political parties of the French Fifth Republic, Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles needing translation from French Wikipedia, Articles with unsourced statements from August 2017, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. The French Communist Party (PCF) is split on support for the movement. [25] Several personalities addressed the convention, including former Société Générale trader Jérôme Kerviel, LuxLeaks whistleblower Antoine Deltour, political specialist Paul Ariès, former Malian Minister of Culture Aminata Traoré, and former Speaker of the Hellenic Parliament Zoe Konstantopoulou. This meeting was attended by 1,100 people, with several hundred more people outside unable to fit into the theatre. Al primo turno delle elezioni presidenziali francesi del 2017, Jean-Luc Mélenchon arriva 4º con 19,58 % dei suffragi con più di 7 milioni di voti[14], il che non gli permette di accedere al secondo turno. [27], In the 2017 Corsican territorial election, local supporters of La France Insoumise under the banner of "La Corse Insoumise" were allied with the PCF. The right to dismiss elected representatives by. Raising the minimum wage (called "SMIC") from 1,149 to 1,326 euros per month net for 35-hour weeks and raising civil servant salaries frozen since 2010. This programme, named L'Avenir en commun (English: "A Shared Future"), was published by the Éditions du Seuil on 1 December 2016. Traduzione per 'agire' nel dizionario italiano-francese gratuito e tante altre traduzioni in francese. Organizing website of La France insoumise. "Le monde ne sera sauvé, s'il peut l'être, que par des insoumis." Toutes les formes d’actions sont les bienvenues pour faire connaître La France insoumise et son programme l’Avenir en Commun. Législatives : Jean-Luc Mélenchon pense c’est La France insoumise qui aura le plus de députés…, Jean-Luc Mélenchon et ses « insoumis » au travail sur un programme, Présidentielle : radiographie d'un vote éclaté. Vedi altri contenuti di France Insoumise Isère 38 su Facebook. Groupe d'appui FI Montmorency Dopo il primo turno dell'elezione presidenziale del 2017, Jean-Luc Mélenchon arriva in quarta posizione con il 19,58% dei suffragi espressi, non sufficienti per accedere al ballottaggio. I Repubblicani, favorevoli alla linea politica del governo, ottengono 140 seggi mentre i socialisti, divisi tra i sostenitori e non del governo, crollano a poco più di 30[18]. Supporters' groups, small committees responsible for promoting Mélenchon's candidacy at a local level, have been established all over France and abroad. Le groupe d'action France Insoumise de Doullens et du doullennais They had been given the choice of three options: to support Mélenchon and work on a common framework (42% of the votes), to participate more directly in the campaign of La France Insoumise (30%) or to reject "at this stage" any support for Mélenchon (25%). Traduzioni in contesto per "agire al" in italiano-francese da Reverso Context: agire al fine Accedi. "[58] On 14 April, Éric Piolle, EELV mayor of Grenoble, also endorsed La France Insoumise. Si tratta del primo gruppo di opposizione in parlamento: dopo la schiacciante vittoria dell'astensione (55% degli elettori non sis sono recati ai seggi), lo scrutinio uninominale maggioritario ha infatti favorito il partito del presidente Macron (305 deputati) e del suo alleato François Bayrou (42 deputati del MoDem). Parti par parti, les chiffres à scruter au second tour p*our voir qui a limité la casse, Législatives françaises: voici la carte des résultats du second tour, Ballottaggio Francia, Mélenchon: astensione buona notizia, è sciopero civico, Podemos sta con Mélenchon. 5 come esponenti dell'intera formazione (Michel Larive, Danièle Obono, Mathilde Panot, Loïc Prud'homme, Sabine Rubin); 7 del Partito di Sinistra (Ugo Bernalicis, Éric Coquerel, Alexis Corbière, Bastien Lachaud, Jean-Luc Mélenchon, Adrien Quatennens e Muriel Ressiguier); 2 del Partito Comunista Francese (Stéphane Peu e Bénédicte Taurine). Code postal. The organisation is not fixed, unlike a classical political party. La traduzione italiana del programma "Un Futuro Comune" è disponibile qui. Il existe aujourd’hui de nombreuses ...