Brought one for myself and my sister. 'Supplications and Treatment with Ruqyah from the Qur'an and the Sunnah' - Dr Sa'eed bin Ali Al-Qahtani. Costus indien naturel en morceaux - Al Qist Al-Hindi - القسط الهندي : £ 5.25 (5,90 €) Roqya & Protection : Sachet de costus marin (al-qist al-bahrî) en poudre (40 g net) £ 4.45 (5,00 €) Displaying 1 to 2 (of 2 products) Result Pages: 1 : Quick Find Cette plante originaire d’Asie et à l’allure de Siwak, est très utilisée dans la médecine orientale. zukaam). De nombreux ahadith (pluriel de hadith) ont été rapporté à propos du costus indien. Powered by, Reported in Sahih Muslim and Sahih Al Bukhaaree, Cf. assalam w alaikum,Can I eat qiste hindi as I have lot of phlegm ,nose block and sinus .How to eat it. Mixed with olive oil into a loose paste, it should be safe to administer to children inshaaAllah - 1/2 teaspoon daily. While the white variety, known as the common inula is balmier. Essential oils extracted from the root have been used in traditional medicine and in perfumes since ancient times. whose palate and tonsils I had pressed with my finger as a - Diminuer le taux du cholestérol . Point number 114 on the 'head positions' diagram at this link is the correct cupping point - It is strongly recommended to consult a qualified doctor first who knows your medical history, temperament and any underlying medical issues which need to be taken into consideration before using the remedies on this site. Hence, it might be used to treat dandruff, freckles, and ringworm. Pour instiller le costus marin en poudre, il faut aussi le mélanger à un autre ingrédient. It can be sniffed, made into a drink with honey and water, burnt on coals and inhaled via smoke or mixed/infused into oil to rub onto the body or made into nose drops. Al Qist al Hindy est plus chaud que al Bahry. It is used to treat: acne, pimples, spots, scars, burns, nappy rash, mosquito bites, eczema, thrush, piles and as a face mask. Leyton, London, E10 7JN, INDIAN COSTUS ROOT POWDER QIST AL HINDI, Irregular and painful periods and scanty menses. Sword Against Black Magic and Evil Magicians (PDF). Used only once so can’t really comment on its effectiveness but it taste horrible. When the face is anointed with Qust (Costus) that has been ground and mixed with water and honey, it heals spots that appear on the face. Costus is an herb. EXP: 29/10/22. Therefore, stay on the safe side and avoid use. Also use hijama wet cupping under the chin. The, Copyright 2009-2016 (C) Works by Imaam Ibn Qayyim Al-Jawziyyah (rahimullah). Costus also can help spasmodic contractions and rigidity of voluntary muscles (tetanus). COSTUS ROOT POWDER QUST AL HINDI. Il est très utile pour les problèmes liés aux ovaires, et l'absence des menstrues. He cant sit by his own He unrinates so much His left side of the body is weaker than the other, thank you. "Oum Qays bint Mihsan radhi Allahou anha a dit: document.getElementById("copyright_year").innerHTML = new Date().getFullYear(); Al Quran Al Hakeem Medium White paper (15 lines with Urdu-Persian-Hindi Script) Tibb an Nabawi - The Medicine of the Holy Prophet (ﷺ), One Dunia international couriers services. Al-Qyst Hindi aiderait à soigner cette infection. Volume 1 = 604 Pages Yes, if you can find a pure and organic source, it is safe to take for oncology issues. The Prophet said, les bienfaits du costus ou. Wa alaikum asalaam. Dans certains cas le costus indien peut aussi traiter le syphilis , purifier le sang et traiter le psoriasis , l'alopécie , et certaines maladies des cheveux en plus le costus peut soigner la constipation , la bronchite , traitement du choléra et l'inflammation de l'œil ainsi que le cancer de la bouche . I sent an email asking why I received a different product that was not shown online and no reply. This web page is truly useful and value acquiring out on studying. 'The Relief from Distress: An explanation of the du'a of Yunus (alayhisalaam)' - Shaykh Ibn Taymiyyah (rahimullah). 'Therapy from the Qur'an and Ahadith' - Dr Feryad A Hussain. Les aspects aphrodisiaques du Costus Indien ont été mentionnés par Dioscorides dans son … Vertus et bienfaits du costus indien Pliny, écrivain du 1er siècle, décrit le Costus Indien comme ayant une odeur exquise et provoquant une sensation de brûlure dans la bouche. Galinus said that Qust (Costus) ‘heals tetanus, the pain on the sides and kills spots (which he called pumpkin seeds). 'Nabeez' [Nabidh] was one of the ... Vinegar is considered as one of the key remedies from Islamic Medicine and there are a number of Sahih Hadith which the Messenger of A... What is the evil eye? © Darussalam. Prophetic Medicine blog owners do not accept any responsibility for any adverse effects which may arise as the result of trying the treatments outlined on this site. Le costus indien est brun/noir tandis que le costus marin a une teinte plus claire.Le costus indien est une plante de la famille des Astéracées. Le costus indien est notamment utilisé en cas de douleurs dentaires, de fièvres, de rhumatisme, d’asthme, en cas d’hypotension, de désordre respiratoire, de désordre d’origine inflammatoire mais il est aussi utilisé comme aphrodisiaque, sédatif, fongicide, virucide, antiseptique, insecticide et peut être utilisé en fumigation. throat and tonsil disease and it is inserted into one side of the 00000 Le costus indien soigne la Gonorrhée. 'Oud Hindi), commonly known as aloe. 25. International Islamic Publishing House 2008. Pour étaler le costus indien, il convient de le mélanger à un autre aliment. Drinking an infusion of costus helps weakness of the liver, weakness of digestion, slackness of the stomach, stomach flu, diarrhea of the liver; and helps as an antipyretic to abate febris recurrence, quells quartan phlegmonous fever. Thank you for submitting a comment for moderation! 'The Islamic Guideline on Medicine' - Yusuf Al Hajj Ahmad. Its constant pain all day long.the pain level just increases or decreases.can you please suggest something for the throat pain? I use this product for six months I had skin problem was showing on all my body now everything gone thanks God. Voici un hadith concernant le costus indien : Umm Qays (Qu’Allah l'agrée) rapporte que le prophète (Sallal’Llahou ‘alayhi wa sallam) a dit : « Utilisez le Costus indien, car il est une guérison pour sept maladies, parmi lesquelles la pleurésie » (Rapporté dans l’authentique d’Abou Daoud 3877) Et il en existe plusieurs autres. 'Selected Surahs from the Qur'an and their Virtues, and Supplications for the morning and evening' - Sheikh Safiur-Rahmaan Al-Mubarakpuri. InshaAllah hijama is very effective cure. Al-Qist al Hindy est plus chaud que al Bahry. " Please recite daily at night, also recite on water and drink daily. Qust (Costus) also against victular and quartan fever (fever that comes every 4 days), the pain on the side of the body and poisons. useful information.medicine courier from india, Salam. Nombreux sont les bienfaits de l'huile de costus indien, qui est l’un des plus importants piliers de la médecine traditionnelle et prophétique. Saussurea Costus falls within the Kingdom: Plantae, Phylum: … An in unction of costus mixed with water and honey helps to control skin discoloration on the face and the chest resulting from pregnancy or mal nutrition. (La traduction du Hadith)-Aussi, selon Ibn Abbas, le prophète (paix et prière sur lui) a dit: "Certes, le mieux est que vous vous remédiez avec Al-Sou'oût". mouth of one suffering from pleurisy. Al … Laissez infuser la plante costus indien dans l'eau bouillante pendant 5 minutes et aromatisez la tisane avec du miel afin d'arrêter la fièvre. If the weakness comes in the legs and is accompanied by feeling lightheaded, dizzy, short of breath, tightness in the chest, need to lie down, then these might be symptoms of vagus nerve function impairment. 1tsp costus powder, 1tsp honey in warm water, ideally on an empty stomach, once a day. An ointment of it helps backache, or rheumatic pain in the lumbar region (lumbago); also kills ringworm, and to remove dry scales shed by the skin, including dandruff. Very well written I appreciate & must say good job. Le costus indien a de nombreux bienfaits : -Il peut traiter pharyngite et l'inflammation du palais mou . Le Costus est l'un des meilleurs médicaments et n'a aucun effet secondaire. Al Quran Al Hakeem 7A Cream Paper- Arabic Only (16 lines with Urdu-Persian-Hindi Script). Be sure to look for costus in shop s w hich sell Indian foods and spices. It is used to treat: stomach pains, stomach upsets, diarherra, constipation, colon problems, blood clots, tumours, cancer, cholesterol, high blood pressure, asthma, breathing problems, cleanses the womb, increases fertility, strengthens muscles after labor, contracts the womb, aids weight loss (take twice daily, morning and evening), diabetes (without the honey). Shake and apply 3 drops in each nostril. Aasalaam mualaikum brother i am 30yrs old but i llok 40 i lost my hair... Have pimples dark spots and wrinkles on my face plz help me what should i do, Wa alaikum asalaam. ( Al-Sou'oût: aspiré par le nez). Les feuilles de séné sont surtout utilisées pour leurs bienfaits sur le système digestif. more information as to how you can obtain it. How to protect yourself from Jinn and Shaytaan (PDF). Type a description for this product here... Al Quran Al Hakeem (108)-Arabic Only (13 lines with Urdu-Persian-Hindi Script) Il est également utilisé pour les problèmes de diabète, il stimule le pancréas et diminue le taux de glycémie dans le sang. Also, traditional squatting toilet is far better for every person's health than the western style toilet. There are essentially two types of Qust, Indian (Qust al Hindi) and Marine/Sea (Qust al Bahri). - chaque semaine il y a un hadith en bas de page en arabe traduit en français à apprendre. Darussalam 2010. [Saheeh al-Bukhari (5696)]. Hence, might be used to keep off the insects from the clothes. 1tsp costus powder, 1tsp honey, mix together and apply to the skin surface. 11 years is the minimum age for safety. Qust (Costus Root, Aloeswood) and its use in Medicinal preparations. And about the hijamas, any info about the places the cup should be putted under the chin?May Allah reward you for your help brother ! There is nothing specifically from hadeeth regarding weakness after defecating, but if your symptoms are not accompanied by the presence of blood, constipation then diarrhea, or vomiting, abdominal bloating or severe headaches or sudden weight loss (these are indicative of something more serious), then it might be a autonomic nervous system issue. 24 . Its recommended to speak to a good hijama therapist to see if they can help her. En effet, ses bienfaits sont nombreux, il est bénéfique dans les cas suivants : Convient aux traitements par le Coran (La Roqya). Costus roots also help asthmatic s y mptoms and heaviness of the chest. Place on low heat for 5 minutes and allow to cool. The roots are used for medicinal purposes. When the pain in her throat reduces the pain in her joints and muscles also reduces.the pain doesnt completly go away. Get the latest updates on new products and upcoming sales. For asthma and breathing difficulties characterised by an allergic trigger, hijaama is the best, but it cannot be performed on young children. Both come in the form of a dried root ... 'Ajwa dates and golden raisins from Madeenatul Munawwarrah soaked in cold water. -Peut également être utilisé pour soigner les amygdales . Raconté par El-Thermidi. Yes, once in the morning on empty stomach and once in the evening before going to sleep. A pinch of Qust powder is to be taken via nose inhalation for head, sinus and tonsils. It is used to treat: athletes foot. Vous pouvez par exemple mélanger ce produit à un de nos miels pour en multiplier les vertus et étendre son champ d’action. Vous pouvez par exemple mélanger ce produit à un de nos miels pour en multiplier les vertus et étendre son champ d’action. Pour instiller le costus marin en poudre, il faut aussi le mélanger à un autre ingrédient. Par inhalation nasale conformément au hadith; Pour étaler le costus indien, il convient de le mélanger à un autre aliment. Daar us-Sunnah Publishers 2003. Sifting the powder through a fine sieve also recommended. Take orally with food or drink, once a week. Prophetic Guidance regarding the Evil Eye (Nazar). Can you tell me how to use this product I have a discoloration on my skin ,I want to know if you have to rub it on or drink it thank you. Soigne les amygdales avec le costus indien. 'Taweez: Amulets in the light of Qur'an and Sunnah' - Based on the book ahkaamur Ruqaa wat Tamaa'im by Shaykh Fahd as-Suhaymee. Abu Bakr ibn al 'Arabi a dit: "Le Qist (costus, écorces de racine de plantes, base du 3oud) est de deux types : Hindy (indien), qui est noir, et Bahry qui est blanc. Darussalam 2010. This comment has been removed by the author. Il est très utile pour les problèmes liés aux ovaires, et l'absence des menstrues. My son has asma nd skin deseases his face always itchy nd read nd have scarves all his face...would you plz.tell me how can i use this spices as medecine...thanks a lot... For itchy inflamed skin symptoms similar to eczema or psoriasis, mix qust al bahri powder with neem oil into a paste. Nous vous conseillons pour cela … Al Quran Al Hakeem (108)-Arabic Only (13 lines with Urdu-Persian-Hindi Script, Al Quran Al Hakeem 7A Cream Paper-Arabic Only (16 lines with Urdu-Persian-Hindi Script) Below are some points on how to take costus: Pregnancy and breast-feeding:There is not enough reliable information about the safety of taking costus if you are pregnant or breast-feeding. 'Islamic Medicine: the key to a better life' - Yusuf Al Hajj Ahmad. Jazakallah. When studying this web page it contains a lot of information that is very useful and guidelines.Buy herbal incense to keep us protected and healthy. Honey paste made with crushed blackseeds and Qust al Bahri is exellent for digestive problems. 22C People use costus for many conditions, but there is no scientific evidence to support these uses. Par ailleurs, le costus est considéré comme le plus important pilier de la médecine traditionnelle du Tibet où les clergés ne la faisaient connaître qu'à leurs congénères, pour qu'elle demeure un secret entre eux-mêmes. In addition, the Messenger (SAW) said: ” CUPPING, HIJAMA and Qust al-Bahri (Sea Incense Costus) are the best of your remedies”. Darussalam 2003. Par inhalation nasale conformément au hadith. Shake well and apply to skin. JazakAllahu khair, Àssalaamualaikum. [Saheeh al-Bukhari (5692)]. Ainsi, A'aîcha (radiallahou anha) a exécuté et l'enfant a guéri. Nous vous conseillons pour cela … Costus is a medicinal plant that grows in the high valleys of Kashmir and some other parts of the Himalayas. Based my 4 star on delivery. Kust-roots or costus, commonly known as Indian aloe have hot and dry temperaments in the third degree and provide extra heat. Acheter du COSTUS Indien . The Difference Between Evil Eye and Envy – Shaikh ... World of Jinn & Magic - by Abu 'Iyaad Amjad Rafiq, Organic non F1 non GMO Veg seeds to #growyourown, Sawwiq [Barley] flour for Talbinah or Bread making, Quran Explorer - Interactive Audio Recitations & Translations. Leave for 2 hours and then rinse off. Some … A note to the kind souls who wish to make a donation to this site's maintenance. Par inhalation nasale conformément au hadith; Pour étaler le costus indien, il convient de le mélanger à un autre aliment. ", Sahih Al Bukhaaree, Book of Medicine  no. Le Costus indien. There are two kinds of Qust-roots ( Arb. Costus indien. Costus indien en poudre 30gr. He added, “You should not harm your children by treating tonsillitis by pressing their tonsils, rather use Qust al-Bahri (Sea Incense Costus)”. Salaam please can you mother is suffering with severe pain in hee throat.she has a condition called Sjögren's and as a result she is also experiencing pain in her muscles and joints. 100 GM . The Use of Sidr Leaves and Water for the treatment of Witchcraft. Take 1 tablespoon of the mixture twice daily, away from meal times until symptoms have gone. How to take Qust al Hindi: As a general tonic: 1tsp Costus powder, 1tsp Honey in warm water, ideally on an empty stomach, once a day. It is used to … Le costus indien est un morceau de bois qui ressemble un peu à siwak et son odeur ressemble un peu à l’odeur de gingembre et en arabe on l’appelle aussi al qosst ou al kosst .Dans la tradition arabo-musulmane, le costus était utilisé pour traiter divers maux tels que les migraines, la pleurésie. Costus is used in the treatment of pleurisy. Troisième hadith : De même, ont raconté El-Cheikhanes de Djabêr que le Prophète Mohamed ... N’importe quelle femme dont l’enfant souffre d’El-Oudhra ou d’un mal de tête, n’a qu’à prendre un costus indien, le gratter puis, le lui fait priser ». Volume 2 = 632 Pages Apply to affected body parts and leave for 30-45 mins, then wash off without using soap. Indian costus is classified as one of the best species as it is extremely hot is directly extracted from a plant that Costus is a length just loan one and a half meters. Use Oud Pour instiller le costu marin en poudre, il faut aussi le mélanger à un autre ingrédient. IIPH (International Islamic Publishing House), Al Quran Al Hakeem Medium White paper - Arabic Only (15 lines with Urdu-Persian-Hindi Script), Al Quran Al Kareem :Urdu Persian Hindi Script 3 Vol دو سطر بیاض, Shifa Pure Mountain Honey with Saussurea Indian Costus, Al Quran Al Hakeem (108)-Arabic Only (13 lines with Urdu-Persian-Hindi Script), Al Quran Al Hakeem 7A Cream Paper-Arabic Only (16 lines with Urdu-Persian-Hindi Script). However, blackseed oil is more effective. It is used to treat; dandruff, hair loss, arthritis, rheumatism, eczema, bites, spots, skin discoloring. Ses feuilles sont ovales, d'aspect velouté, et sont en général disposées en spirale autour de la tige. La gonorrhée ou la « chaude-pisse » est une infection sexuellement transmissible. It highly effective aspects in a individuals attention and create an impact on them all who research it. Wa alaikum asalaam. Therefore, stay on the safe side and avoid use. Hi,This one is great and is really a good post. LES BIENFAITS DU COSTUS OU QIST (قسط) Abu Bakr ibn al 'Arabi a dit: "Le Qist (costus, écorces de racine de plantes, base du 3oud) est de deux types: Hindy (indien), qui est noir, et Bahry qui est blanc. "Why do you pain your children by pressing their throats! Le costus indien est beaucoup utilisé en Asie et au Moyen-Orient pour ses bienfaits sur la fertilité entre autres. (Rapporté par Boukhari) Le Costus est l'un des meilleurs médicaments et n'a aucun effet secondaire. It is used as a snuff for treating 3 Volume Set. Al-Hindi ( Indian aloe wood) for it cures seven diseases, It is used to treat: nose bleeds, runny nose, disinfects cuts. Saussurea costus, commonly known as costus, kuth, or putchuk, is a species of thistle in the genus Saussurea native to India.Rishi (Hindu) mystics of Kashmir especially ate this plant. Jusqu'à ce que vienne leur … Selon Anas, qu'Allah soit satisfait de lui, le Prophète Mohamed (SWS) a dit : "Ne torturez pas vos enfants avec El-Ghamz et ayez recours au Costus". Sea Incense Costus (Qust al-Bahri) and Indian Wood Costus ('Oud al-Hindi or Qust al-Hindi) The plant of the Qust, which is known as Costus is 2 metres in length and is generally found in the northwest and northeast of the sub Himalayan regions. Darul Imam Muslim 2009. Its difficult to say with accuracy my brother without knowing more about your medical history. Elle possède plusieurs appelations selon la localité : costu marin ou maritime (ramené par la mer), costus indien, mu xiang ... (Rapporté par El-Boukhari et Mouslem. I’m sure when I’m in real need of it and I’m consistent in having it, it would be of good use. Recite on olive oil and massage onto head and face daily inshaaAllah. Daar us-Sunnah Publishers 2006. Selem suite a quelques conseils j'ai tester les goute d'huile de costus indien et marin dans chaque narine Quelqu'un a déjà essayé svp jaimerais des témoignage car sérieux j'ai envie de vomir a mort sa pu le chibani dans mes narines est ce que c normal ? There is not enough reliable information about the safety of taking costus if you are pregnant or breast-feeding. On my tonsils from time to time i have some white dots(pus) and very often my breath id bad i think because of this, doctors cant seem to give me a cure to this i was hoping to find some cure in the islamic medicine. unction of costus mixed with water and honey helps to control skin discoloration on the face and the chest resulting from pregnancy or mal. Il faut savoir que le costus marin et le costus indien ont les mêmes propriétés et procurent des effets médicinaux considérables. Unit 3 Estate Way, Aide à soulager les douleurs des articulations, du dos, du cou et des jambes. However, please listen to Part 1 too which can be found, Please note that the remedies found on this site are designed as supplementary treatments to any usual medications you might be taking and should not be considered replacements for such medications unless that specific advice has been given to you by your qualified doctor. Pour instiller le costus marin en poudre, il faut aussi le mélanger à un autre ingrédient. 1tsp costus powder, 1 glass of coconut oil. Huile costus marin/indien. Do this once daily before sleeping. - Nettoyer et d'expulser les microbes . The root and oil from the root are used to make medicine. JazakAllahu khair and thanks. Asalaamu alaikum, please could you send me a message using the 'contact us' button in the column on the left hand side? Learn more about Qust (Costus Root). Raasin Tibbi; and 2. the aromatic root of Indian aloe tree ( Arb. Darussalam 2010. Nous vous conseillons pour cela … There are many ways to use Oud Qust al Hindi (Costus Root). N'importe quelle femme dont l'enfant souffre d'El-Oudhra ou d'un mal de tête, n'a qu'à prendre un costus indien, le gratter puis, le lui fait priser". Both provide considerable medicinal effects. Par inhalation nasale conformément au hadith; Pour étaler le costus indien, il convient de le mélanger à un autre aliment. 'Healing Body and Soul: Your guide to Holistic Wellbeing following Islamic Teachings' - Amira Ayad. Besides that, modern researches suggest that Qust (Costus) is a blood purifier, antiseptic and increases the cutaneous circulation. Well yea those are the exact symptoms i experience weakness in legs and arms, lightheaded and dizzy, short of breath, tightness in the chest, need to lie down almost everytime. Is it safe during pregnancy. One last thing brother since you seem to have good knowledge in prophetic medicine. Costus root is used extensively in Chinese and Ayurvedic medicine, and has been a minor product of Arabian traditional medicine… The other points mentioned under the 'tonsils' section are also beneficial complimentary points. I would encourage you to go for a blood test checking autoimmune markers to see if the immune system is normal. Mixed with honey and warm water. Hijama cups are applied along the whole spine, from back of the neck to the sacrum and with great care at the sides of the neck. This is Part 2. Please select the best and purest source, ideally purchase the root pieces and grind them yourself into a fine powder in the spice grinder. 'Provisions for the Hereafter [Mukhtasar Zaad al Ma'ad]' - Imaam Ibn Qayyim al Jawziyyah. Instiller le costus en mélange avec d’autres ingrédients (goutte à goutte) En vaporisation pour une action sur la voie orale et nasale; Par inhalation nasale (conformément au hadith) Pour appliquer localement le costus indien, il convient de le mélanger à un autre aliment. Contre l'inflammation articulaire. Scientists have only just discovered that the blessed Sunnah of fasting for two days a week could lower your risk of heart disease dementia and diabetes - and even tackle cancer! How did u used this product...thanks a lot... Can you please tell me if a woman can take this herb in case of oncology issue?thank you! Vous pouvez par exemple mélanger ce produit à un de nos miels pour en multiplier les vertus et étendre son champ d’action. Darussalam 2011. The Qur'aan is a miraculous cure for all things. JazakAllahu khair. Qust/Kist): 1. the white root of medicinal plant known as the common inula, Arb. It is used to strengthen the immune system. 5343. - la réduction du taux de glycémie dans le sang.. -Aide à baisser la pression artérielle . Cauterization and Cupping, VI; Venesection and Cauterization , VII. I inshaaAllah will help you privately. Selam alejkumhow should this be used, the hadiths say to take it by nose as fas i as did understand, but has anyone tried it yes, i mean to cure the tonsils, as doctors say i developed a chronic tonsil desease. Also helps the removal of scars, surgical or other wise. Originaire d'Inde, de Malaisie et de Guyane, le costus (saussurea costus) est une vivace herbacée dont la hauteur peut atteindre une cinquantaine de centimètres. Ainsi, A’aîcha (radiallahou anha) a exécuté et l’enfant a guéri. It is a good insect repellent. Elle possède plusieurs appelations selon la localité : costus marin ou maritime (ramené par la mer), costus indien , mu xiang.. The foods, drinks, treatments, medicines and etiquettes of healing from the Qur'an, Sunnah of the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) and the works of the pious predecessors.