► Due to Saveas's high autoattack damage, buffing his attack speed is especially potent, making allies such as Numisu great, and also the Dura's Eye Artifact. Getting Started: Setting up your Team [Tutorial] | AFK Arena . I write about mobile games, maintain databases, and draw fanart of said games. Brutus also emerges as a very strong option. His best skill, however, is Zealous Strikes which, with another powerful swing, sends his enemies flying throughout the stage. and you can play with the mouse and keyboard! Lucius is a defensive frontliner who possesses high durability and supports his team by providing healing and powerful shields. This AFK Arena Tier List contains all of the most important information regarding the best Heroes in the game for you, helping you build the best possible teams that beat the metagame. AFK Arena is a popular mobile-based idle RPG in which players assemble a team of 5 heroes to fight enemies. However, Raine alone is not enough as Raine deals very low damage. Like Lucius, Hogan is a tank. ► Hide Saveas behind Brutus for maximum effectiveness. We asked ourselves this and hit the books. In idle games, your team collects resources for you while you are away from the app or is sleeping, hence the name of this game: AFK Arena. ►► Saveas Counter: Despite the Faction disadvantage, Ira is a viable counter against Saveas due to a combination of her lethal ultimate damage (especially on higher levels) and her healing reduction poison. This is to be considered as the start of the late game all the way to end game which, hopefully, will put you to using the same heroes as members of your main team. We got you covered. Since you are on your phone, we are going to send you to the Google Play page. ►► Defensive Snowball: Early game. Armed with bow and arrow, she quickly takes to the field, piercing her enemies with enchanted arrows that destroy anyone and anything they pierce. Try to aquire the buff as soon as possible as it provides Saveas a powerful stat that no other early game hero can have until mid to the end of mid game, granting you a strong advantage in PvP modes. Shemira is a debuffer that can cast many spells to debilitate and damage her foes. Her attacks affect all enemies and, while they don’t do much damage, their effects add up and will soften enemies up for your other units to deal with. This is because Saveas deals damage overtime, not in one burst. Employs a very defensive team that has a lot of Control, Durability and Healing for Ira to safely build up her energy. His ultimate skill, Knight’s Fury, is a heaving swing of his blade with enough force to leave his foes dazed for several seconds. These rare heroes are your main source of fodder for ascension at all points in the game. She’s a ranged attacker who feels right at home turning her enemies into pincushions from the back line. Although not the best, Hogan is a reliable frontliner for the early game. This is a list of useful team comps for AFK Arena. Their position 5 dmg dealer will target your pos 5 tank making that dmg dealer not attack Niru until your tank is down. Like already mentioned, heroes are an important part of this game. However, Lucius is not only a good healer; he can also exert crowd control with his Divine Strike skill. Good luck! Her Piercing Arrows can place a stacking damage-over-time effect on the enemies that can become really painful as she continues to focus on a single enemy. ►► Shemira Counter: With both of them being an ultimate dependent character, they both function similarly in how they want to deal damage. ► DPS Survivalist: Saveas has very high DPS and Surivability, makihg him a strong yet also very cheap hero to play in Guild Hunts. One of the best parts about creating a good team in AFK Arena early on, is that you’ll get much of what you need from the very beginning. When playing a support frontline, Khasos & Nemora are an viable option. With the team we suggested in this guide, you can easily overcome most of the initial challenges that the game has in store for you. first time with flora and wu kong! A list of good team comps to use in AFK Arena. Good luck! ► Nemora generally charms the closest enemy, so position her accordingly to hit priority targets. Players can achieve this by saving her ultimate until there is only one enemy left—preferably, the boss—, and then unleashing the skill to instantly hit them for 800% damage. Don’t be afraid to try out different heroes and team comps to progress through the game. Meanwhile, her Silence skill can greatly increase your survivability by preventing enemies from casting skills, including their most damaging moves that can easily wipe out your party. Hero Strategy is included for Heroes ranked SS through A. An advantage of Ira over Shemira is that Ira is a burst hero so once her ultimate is cast, a kill is almost always guaranteed and the kill is quick, amplifying your team's durability with a few enemies dead, sooner than Shemira ever will. Like in many other game (mostly mobile game), Lilith offers you a Elite rank hero once you finish the tutorial, which is in AFK Arena the whole first chapter. Meanwhile, her Glacial Arrows slow down her target’s attack speed for a short duration. 関連する記事. This Tier List is for speedy, efficient runs of all content with characters leveled 1-60. Luckily, most games balance this randomness out by offering many strong heroes that are good additions to any team. Copyright (C) GamePress All Rights Reserved. Tasi, Shemira, Kaz, Belinda, Lyca, Athalia, Ezizh and Khasos aren't high on this list, but are safe to build for mid and late game. But the Union Buff Solves her low pre-ult dmg as she gains access to an RNG based burst, greatly leveraging her team dependence. This is the best AFK Arena early game team that i have used so far. This unit is amazing for the early game since it grants your party the resilience necessary to push past challenges that are even above your power level. Also, there is one thing that we would like to clear before you proceed to the tier list; some heroes do well in the early game, but as you proceed further, their glory fades away. [afk arena] 2021.02.18. As long as the team survives, Ira will eventually get her ultimate and begin killing the enemies 2 by 2. Check AFK Arena Tier List for those who want to win AFK Arena Game. If you want to discover the heroes that will carry you through the entire early game, then read on! Aside from her debuffs, Shemira’s other skills involve abilities to leech health from her foes and add it to her own HP pool. While her ultimate has global range, it highly prioritizes nearby enemies so positioning her at the corner will limit her Ult spread even more, allowing her to focus its dmg on nearby enemies. Tasi is an elusive control based support hero who possesses 2 control skills and teleports around the battlefield to heal allies and damage enemies. best early game team?!! AFK Arena is very well-balanced around a variety of Heroes who are strong in different game stages and content, so every character has somewhere to shine. Ira is a highly lethal burst damage dealer who's lethality increases as the enemies' numbers dwindle. https://gamerempire.net/afk-arena-best-teams-team-building-guide This spreadsheet is the result of our members' desire to help the community learn more about the game and to help players reach their goals. The guild was first created in mid January 2019. Je nach Ihren Fortschritten im Spiel wird dieser oder jener Held interessanter sein. For the initial game as a carry, one of the many heroes of the legendary level may be suitable. In most games, this element usually involves unlocking or purchasing certain strong characters and basing your team composition around these units. When Ira is not too busy destroying bosses with a single skill, she has two other abilities that can inflict negative effects on her enemies. And with every kill, Ira recovers 200 energy, quickly setting her up for the next cast of her ultimate skill. And what better way to tank enemies than by not receiving any damage at all? With his high healing and damage output, Saveas needs very little team support and can provide high damage output by outlasting other more team dependent damage dealers with his lack of reliance on healing from teammates. For notes and breakdowns of each type of content, the original spreadsheet has detailed rankings by game mode. Against Soren, the shields from his ultimate can be used block Soren's Charm or ultimate damage. With these Strategies however, Ira can be a strong hero. She specializes mainly in dealing damage to the enemy while also boasting several skills that can cripple and incapacitate her foes. 0. ► Frontline Dependent: All ultimate dependent heroes needs a good frontline but Ira needs it more for the same reason she needs good positioning. You also want to deal as much damage as possible before Kane kills all of your team, … Brutus also emerges as a very strong option. In this sense, it comes down to you to nurture, upgrade, and prepare your characters for the battles to come. Next up I’d also Rowan to have a steady frontline. Very good Heroes who possess solid utility and game winning qualities. This will be overkill when said enemy has very low hp. She excels in the middle slot of the back row, from where her fiery Phoenix can hit all her foes. In this strategy, Raine is the best support as she provides Ira the ability to cast her ultimate 3-4 times in a single battle. However, he has a different approach to tanking. Furthermore, this skill can be upgraded to increase this healing to 100% of all damage inflicted, making Shemira a very durable unit as she levels up. AFK Arena ist ein Spiel, das so viele Helden mit unterschiedlichen Eigenschaften bietet, dass es schwierig sein kann, die besten Mitglieder für Ihr Team auszuwählen. Beginner team and best starting heroes. Even if you’re not even close to Campaign 30, make sure to keep those formations in mind to already start priritizing these heroes to have them ready when you need them. Or Belinda to grant Ira crit rate for a short duration. Players would do well to never underestimate this unit. One of the most important parts of any game with gacha elements is the team building aspect through which you can create powerful squads. ► Tasi is a good option against Silvina if she can survive the initial damage of Silvina's 3rd skill (First Blood), as she will quickly teleport away once the stun wears off. TOP 10 Best Heroes in AFK ARENA 2021 Here are heroes that perform well in all game modes and that you should always aim for and ascend and level u ► Labyrinth is Niru's best mode due to him being able to heal and aquire durability from enemy and allied deaths, making him a Tank that does not need any healing from any support. ► Thoran's 4th skill (Taint) can be interrupted with control abilities or excessive damage. Content Editor and News Writer at GamePress! You must have Windows 7 or higher. Ideally, put a melee Tank/Bruiser behind her who will take some of the enemy attention away from her as Nemora may not survive a full-fledged assault. ► Pre-Union Buff Battle Strategies: because Ira is not yet as strong before she gets the +15 Crit Rate buff, she needs specific strategies to work outside Guild Hunt. Thoran Cheese. These 3 quirks grants Ira great advantage against Shemira that the match up becomes too easy as Shemira will have a hard time suriving Ira's Ultimate with its high damage and anti-healing properties. Lucius is a strength tank, ideal for standing on the front lines absorbing most of the enemy’s damage. This makes Niru survive for a longer time in the battlefield because he will only be targetted by the enemy tank at this position. 0[…] afk arena 劍與遠征 35-28【威廉.w】 2021.01.22. Saveas takes full advantage of Brutus's 2nd skill (Roar), while Brutus's guaranteed survivability buys time for Saveas to build energy. [afk arena] 0. author:dogamato0023 投稿一覧. Over-Powered Heroes that possess exceptional utility that single-handedly change the outcome of the match. ► Niru functions best as a tank when your team can kill enemies quickly, due to his 3rd skill healing him when other heroes die. ► Not much to say really. So long as the enemies do not break your Defense, victory is sealed. By the way, I wanted to remind you that to gain in comfort of play, I now play AFK Arena on PC.It's much more practical (I save my battery!) ► If you know beforehand which enemy hero has the lowest health, you can position Athalia opposite that target to potentially set up an easy kill, since Thoran will mark that target with Taint. Like Ira, it unleashes a barrage of projectiles that affect random targets. Additionally, it can miss moving enemies so try to make sure your tanks dont die during Ira's ultimate. Despite this, he is also surprisingly durable and can decimate enemy teams if left unattended. Also known as “The Burning Light,” Mirael is a powerful support DPS character that can hit all enemies, as well as shield allies from harm. Ira is a fragile agility hero that relies on her speed and nimbleness to stay alive. The equipment is not as difficult to assemble as others that we have recommended in the list, we explain the logic: Used only for very specific situations, Heroes who do not provide any usefulness for the team or have not yet unlocked important upgrades to make them viable. She is additionally the best mid game Guild Hunt damage dealer in the game. Recmmended supports however are: Lyca and Estrilda for their Attack Speed and Energy Regen Buffs. But the question still remains: Which are currently the best units in the game? This makes him unable to take advantage of Double Ult Strategies thus his damage output can fall off once burst heroes gains access to Double Ult strategies with dedicated team support & healing. Hogan is a well-rounded tank possessing high innate survivability and control abilities. ► Taint can't kill enemies; it will at most leave them at a sliver of health. Native to Austin, loves cacti and hiking. Now in this video, we’re gonna be taking a look at the best early game units and teams that you can piece together. - Created with TierlistGG's Tier Maker If the proper conditions are met, she can deal a decent 300% damage to one unlucky enemy. utilizing Raine with this strategy is extremely lethal against Saveas and Shimera which are very common mid-game carries. With High Durability and Stun frequency. Consider Supporting us with GamePress Boost! Tasi, Shemira, Kaz, Belinda, Lyca, Athalia, Ezizh and Khasos aren't high on this list, but are safe to build for mid and late game. Here’s one of the best formations for AFK Arena’s midgame: Saveas You want to build your formations based on them If you don’t have any better carry yet. Good Heroes who provide utility and situational game winning qualities. Shemira and Belinda are current the 2 most popular carries for early/mid-game in AFK Arena right now. Best carry heroes early and mid game; AFK Arena tier list. Situational Heroes who lack utility and/or need heavy investment to make them work. ► After 101, Niru's 3rd skill (Soul Reaper) increases his attack and defense by 15% of any other hero who dies. This is the skill that defines this character as it allows your team to press through battles that would prove too difficult otherwise. Best Campaign Team (PvE) In AFK Arena *UPDATED* Here you will have the best-working current teams for campaign that will work. Others have been submitted by players whom have had good success with them in various parts of the game. Just make sure Ira is not directly infront of Saveas and instead is at the opposite location to set up an easy Sweep for Ira with her ultimate. However, if you’re a newcomer to these games, it’d be difficult to tell, on a whim, which characters are good at their roles. ► Union Buff Dependent: Ira greatly needs full Union Buff to be considered an A Tier hero as before then, she is team dependent due to her low pre-ult dmg, wavering around D or B tier depending on the situation and her team composition. Lucius is unique in that, at the time of writing, there’s an event where you can receive him for free, no strings attached. At the beginning, she can convert 50% of all damage done by this skill to heal her HP. This makes her deceptively tanky. Before The Union Buff, Brutus is almost necessary to make Ira work as a solo carry as she will have a hard time shredding the enemy frontline without Brutus providing damage at the same time. With the team we suggested in this guide, you can easily overcome most of the initial challenges that the game has in store for you. The best AFK Arena compounds for PvP. Level 3 of his Zealous Strike adds a stun to the ability, whereas the Knight’s Fury damages opponents by default. In fact, many of her skills rely on her health as they do more damage the more HP she has. Utilize Brutus to tank for Ira and provide additional damage to set up an early kill. This is my Early Game tier list for AFK Arena, early game in AFK Arena will usually mean up to level 100, maybe slightly lower but it's a general guideline. We’re starting our list with a special character. The earlier Ira gets to use her ultimate, the sooner the snowball begins. We haven’t tested enough to see if Shemira is a guaranteed result from the first summoning. GloriouS is a guild with players from all over the globe, we are a community that is constantly growing in player base and strength! Ideal Position: 3 || Best Allies: Brutus, Raine & Lyca. Furthermore, Lucius can also heal and buff allies with his Divine Blessing, which restores health equal to 200% his attack power and grants a defense bonus for 5 seconds. Another option is to play Belinda to grant Ira Crit Rate for a duration. Leaks; Game Updates. A nimble rogue that excels in dealing burst damage to small groups of enemies. Quickly eliminating the frontline infront of Ira means her ultimate will have less targets, increasing its lethality. Let's continue this guide of the best AFK Arena compounds with 4 very good teams for PvP. Saveas deals extremely high damage at the cost of his own health. Nemora, Saveas and Lucius are the best Heroes for starting out. You can join their Discord server here, and their AFK Arena guide spreadsheet can be found here. Average Heroes who possess some utility but lacks game winning qualities. Generally … ► Due to Niru's 2nd skill (Life Leech) and 3rd skill (Soul Reaper), his position is being frontline as a tank despite him being an intelligence-based hero. Except Angelo, he is fodder. Players can eventually upgrade this skill to change his daze effect to a stun, which is much better when it comes to incapacitating foes. All of these teams work right now, they are not in any particular ranking! In this afk.guide we will discuss the best heroes for healing your team so that they will survive for much longer. © 2021 BlueStacks name and logo are registered trademarks of Bluestack Systems, Inc. Windows 10 is recommended. BlueStacks 4 is not available on Windows XP. ► Wasted Utility: Just as with all DPS based damage dealers, Saveas fails to take advantage of the fact that Wrizz' Ultimate ability restores your heroes' Energy to full on hit. AFK Arena . This character is available from the start and, alongside Lucius, will become a vital part of your defenses. Read our review of this game if you want to learn more about its mechanics and features. While the addition of novel units certainly encourages players to strategize and test out different hero lineups, the issue with the overabundance of new heroes is one that affects new (and old) players: an increasing difficulty in summoning enough duplicate copies of a hero for ascension. If her enemies close in on her, her ult will spread more, making its lethality less reliable. Thoran is a tank who performs better against weaker opponents but can struggle to keep up with stronger enemies. Best Soren Team – Early Game (Hero Level 200 and lower) Frontline Heroes: in the frontline you want to have a solid tank that can take some damage, if you have Lucius it’s a good choice. Mirael is a no-brainer when it comes to early team composition. (In some cases BlueStacks uses affiliate links when linking to Google Play). Brutus's ultimate can also set up future kills for Saveas to keep resetting his ultimate duration. Home AFK Arena Getting Started: Setting up your Team | AFK Arena. After the Union Buff, Ira is almost nearly support independent. The best teams for PvP in AFK Arena. His ability to gain durability off any heroes deaths also makes him a powerful sweeper in a mode where allies will be dying early at difficult stages, allowing Niru to power up and get healed early as well. Regardless, she was the first character that we received from a summoning; a result with which we’re satisfied since she’s very powerful. Ira is unlocked very early in the game, and will quickly become your go-to damage-dealer. Due to the influx of newer players after global launch, to help people have an idea who they should invest in and who they shouldn't, this tier-list will hopefully give players a good idea who can get them through the early/mid game with ease and ways they should structure their team. It is advised to manually activate his ult to maximize his potential. Furthermore, while she can hit all enemies, she can also assume a defensive role with her Flame Shield skill. This article is the result of our research on the best heroes that you should get early in the game. 3 copies of the same rare hero can be combined at the Temple of Ascension to make a single Rare+ hero. The game falls under the category Gacha Game, as the primary way of obtaining new heroes in the game is through a random summoning feature. Especially in AFK Arena, where most of the combat is performed automatically, preparation is key for winning. This combination of high DPS and Survivability makes him a great Guild Hunt hero from Early-Mid game as he needs very little investment to play Guild Hunt effectively, thus gaining a strong advantage against most Damage Dealers by being effective at Guild Hunt much earlier and at a lower investment requirement. A downed enemy is a helpless enemy, and Lucius knows this all too well. So while this ability incentivizes putting Thoran in a position where he will receive as much damage as possible, be wary that it can backfire and he might lose an entire ability if it gets interrupted. ► Khasos's 4th skill (Rabid Thirst) grants Saveas lifesteal to offset the health cost in empowering Saveas's autoattacks. This attack deals only 150% damage, which isn’t very much, but its secondary effect leaves enemies helpless as your other characters wail on them. Generally, Kane doesn’t deal too much damage towards your Heroes so using a strong tank and a healer is not needed. ►► Aggressive Snowball: His main skill, Heaven’s Protection, is a powerful barrier that shields his allies and himself with a shield equal to 500% his attack power. Obviously, things go faster when you are signed in. You’re not really that invested into any hero until you start consuming other heroes to ascend it. Instead of granting barriers and healing his allies, Hogan boasts a huge health pool coupled with skills that incapacitate his foes. In this article, we will talk about the latest additions to the AFK Arenas for Late Game Level (Level 161 to 240). Nemora is a purely defensive healer who makes up for her low damage output by causing enemies to turn on each other. This AFK Arena Tier List 2021 ranks all the AFK Arena heroes in five major tiers; Tier 1(OP/Best Tier), Tier, 2(Excellent Tier), Tier 3(Good To Average), Tier 4(Average To Below Average), and Tier 5(Weak). Powerful Heroes who have game changing qualities by just being in the team composition. In this sense, you’ll always want to keep a formation of strong heroes, equipped with the best gear, and leveled up to the max. Both effects work well in countering Saveas' survivalist niche as he can get bursted down by Ira's ult with little way to recover health for a duration. ► Tasi's 4th ability (Teleportation) actually completely mitigates any damage she would have received from the attack which triggers her teleport. This ability is awesome as it erects a barrier around the ally with the lowest HP, which mitigates up to 320% magic damage. Do you find your team always dying early in the game AFK Arena? Her Fireball attack is deceptively powerful. ► Tasi is especially good when paired with Shemira as their ultimate abilities will often activate at roughly the same time. ► Position Niru at 2 with a tank at position 5. ► Due to the small area of effect of his ultimate ability (Retaliation) and the stun effect of his 3rd ability (Wild Wonder) after level 121, Thoran is best placed against multiple melee enemies. Employs Support heroes who specialize on assisting Ira to quickly kill the enemy frontlline infront of her. Belinda's weakness however is that she is a 3rd backline hero so you are either forced to play Support as frontline or no Support at all. ► Niru's 2nd skill (Life Leech) can heal himself and nearby allies, making him the only Graveborn who can heal teammates. Tier list is divided into early game (pre-100) and mid game (pre-160) followed by team composition guide. The rankings and writeups for each Hero are all done by the members of the guild GloriouS! With some healing, Golus can easily survive until time runs out. Recommendations: Saveas is one of the best carry heroes up to … One of the best parts about creating a good team in AFK Arena early on, is that you’ll get much of what you need from the very beginning. This attack increase scales very well with his ultimate, making it increasingly effective as more heroes die, whether they be allies or enemies. ► Khasos's 3rd skill (Throwing Axe) damages heroes in the backline and can help Assassins set up quick kills. This is to limit the spread of her ult. AFK Arena. ► Positioning: Ira must be placed at 3 or 5 to limit the spread of her ult. Without further ado, let’s start: Nemora; An intelligence support hero, Nemora is arguably the best … 0[…] 【afkアリーナ】#59 24章クリアするぞ枠(攻略相談募集中)【現在24章】 2020.08.13 […] 人気記事top5. He is a massive powerhouse who’s true utility is not in the damage that he inflicts, but in the positive effects that he bestows on the party. afk arena best heroes to ascend. ► Back Turn with ultimate. To give you a better overview of each hero’s potential, we’ve made tier lists for four stages of the game, early-game, mid-game, late-game, and end-game. In this sense, it comes down to you to nurture, upgrade, and prepare your characters for the battles to come. While the damage of each individual arrow leaves much to be desired, they have the potential to tear an enemy apart if they all focus on a single target. Golus is a highly resilient damage sponge who possesses some control ability. For this reason, you should always keep her in the back row, far away from those that mean her harm. Pair Thoran with Isabella to easily pick off the weakened enemy. Those that survive her barrage are left frozen, crippled, and unable to defend themselves. ► Starting from level 61, Niru's ultimate will target the enemy with the lowest hp. October 10, 2020. Hogan has a passive skill that helps to further his increase his ridiculous health pool to even greater levels. Niru starts off weaker than most, but absorbs the strength of fallen enemies and allies alike to grow into an unstoppable juggernaut if left alone. By swinging his massive hammer against the enemy, he can deal 130% damage to anyone unlucky enough to get caught in his range while also knocking them down for a few seconds. After all, an enemy that is stunned and dazed is an enemy that can’t attack. Place Ira directly infront of Shemira (position 3 vs a pos 4 Shemira) to quickly shred the tank protecting Shemira and set up a focused ultimate attack. As AFK Arena expands in content, new heroes continue to be added to the game. Her ultimate, Tortured Souls, summons damaging spirits from beyond that deal damage to all enemies. ► +15 Crit Rate: This buff granted from the Union Buffs(Located in Library) is Saveas' strongest early game advantage over all early game damage dealers in the game. Also keep in mind that the unique thing about AFK Arena is that you can reset the EXP of heroes at any point and level another one. After updating our data in 2020 and taking into account the recent updates of the Legend’s Champions Season we can affirm that, for now, this is the most powerful team that could be assembled in AFK for PvP. They level up frequently, irrespective of whether you are logged in to the game or not. Put him in front of your strongest heroes and he'll protect them pretty well. ► Due to granting Maulers more lifesteal than other factions (after Lv.141), Khasos works best with other Maulers, especially those with strong and fast autoattacks. Some of them have been personally used and tested by me, all the way up to chapter 34. AFK Arena Best Tier 3 Team (Levels 161 And Beyond) Beyond level 160 comes the most challenging battles of the game where strategies, beyond combat power levels, become a lot more important. However, due to the randomness of the character summoning system, it’s difficult to accurately predict the units that you will receive.